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Blazing the trail through the Rockies, the story of Walter Moberly and his share in the making of Vancouver262007-10-26T15:30:55Z
Genesis 12-50111 pages ; 22 cm // Includes bibliographical references ("Further reading: " pages 102-107)-and indexes19922021-06-15T12:42:49Z
Atonement And PersonalityBook Source: Digital Library of India Item 2015.188721 R. C. Moberly 2015-07-07T22:19:53Z 2015-07-07T22:19:53Z 2021-07-07 1924 dc.identifier.barcode: 5990010111806 dc.identifier.origpath: /rawdataupload/upload/0111/808 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scanningcentre: IIIT, Allahabad dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 448 dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf dc.language.iso: English dc.publisher: London John Murray, Albemarle Street, W. dc.rights: Out_of_copyright dc.source.library: University Liberey Allahabad dc.subject.classification: Literture dc.title: Atonement And Personality19242017-01-25T01:31:50Z
Old Testament theology : reading the Hebrew Bible as Christian scripturexiv, 333 pages ; 24 cm // "Moberly offers an in-depth study of key Old Testament passages, highlighting enduring issues in Hebrew Bible interpretation and discussing Jewish readings alongside Christian readings. The volume is representative of the content of Israel's scriptures rather than comprehensive, yet it discusses most of the major topics of Old Testament theology. Moberly is attentive to varying ways of reading Israel's scriptures throughout history and to contemporary challenges in appropriating the content of the Old Testament. He demonstrates a Christian approach to reading the Old Testament that holds together the priorities of both scholarship and faith."--Jacket // Includes bibliographical references (pages 289-308) and indexes // A love supreme -- A chosen people -- Daily bread -- Does God change? -- Isaiah and Jesus -- Educating Jonah -- Faith and perplexity -- Where is wisdom?20132022-02-17T03:41:02Z
Christ our Life sermons19022025-02-28T18:20:45Z
Foundations : a statement of Christian belief in terms of modern thoughtxi, 538 pages ; 23 cm // Reprint of the 1912 ed // Includes bibliographical references and index // Introduction / [B.H. Streeter] -- The modern situation / N.S. Talbot -- The Bible, / R. Brook -- The historic Christ / B.H. Streeter -- The interpretation of the Christ in the New Testament / A.E.J. Rawlinson and R.G. Parsons -- The divinity ofChrist / W. Temple -- The atonement / W.H. Moberly -- The church / W. Temple -- The principle of authority / A.E.J. Rawlinson -- God and the absolute / W.H. Woberly19132021-01-21T03:51:06Z
Nutida Brytningar Inom Den Anglikanska KyrkanAulén, Gustaf. 1915. "Nutida brytningar inom den anglikanska kyrkan" 213-241 i  Kyrklig tidskrift , Vol 21. This article was never translated into English, but includes Aulén's reflections after his first visit to Great Britain in 1914. The paper spends most of the time reflecting on the book, "Foundations": FOUNDATIONS : B. H. STREETER, R. BROOK, W. H. MOBERLY, R. G. PARSONS, A. E. J. RAWLINSON, N. S. TALBOT & W. TEMPLE : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (N.B. the first page appears twice in the pdf). 19152025-03-07T17:28:03Z
Lux mundi : a series of studies in the religion of the incarnationESSAYS AND CONTRIBUTORS. 1. Faith. Rev. H. S. Holland, M.A., Canon of S. Paul's, sometime Senior Student of Christ Church. 2. The Christian Doctrine of God. Rev. Aubrey Moore, M.A., Hon. Canon of Christ Church, Tutor of Magdalen and Keble Colleges. 3. The Problem of Pain : its bearing on faith in God. Rev. J. R. Illingworth, M.A., Rector of Longworth, sometime Fellow of Jesus and Tutor of Keble Colleges. 4. The Preparation in History for Christ. Rev. L. S. Talbot, D.D., Vicar of Leeds, sometime Warden of Keble College. 5. The Incarnation in relation to Development. Rev. J. R. Illingworth. 6. The Incarnation as the Basis of Dogma. Rev. R. C. Moberly, M.A., Vicar of Great Budworth, sometime Senior Student of Christ Church. 7. The Atonement. Rev. and Hon. Arthur Lyttelton, M.A., Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, sometime Tutor of Keble College. 8. The Holy Spirit and Inspiration. Rev. C. Gore, M.A., Principal of Pusey House, Fellow of Trinity College. 9. The Church. Rev. W. Lock, M.A.,;19042016-04-15T18:39:40Z
Counseling psychologyxxvi, 557 p. : 25 cm // Includes bibliographical references and index // Pt. I. History and Professional Development -- 1. An Occupational Analysis of Counseling Psychology: How Special is the Specialty? / Louise F. Fitzgerald and Samuel H. Osipow -- 2. Counseling Psychology - The Most Broadly-Based Applied Psychology Specialty / Allen E. Ivey -- 3. Looking to the Future: Themes From the Third National Conference for Counseling Psychology / Stephanie S. Rude, Michael Weissberg and George M. Gazda -- 4. Transition: from Vocational Guidance to Counseling Psychology / Donald E. Super -- 5. Trend Analyses of Major Contributions in The Counseling Psychologist Cited From 1986 to 1996: Impact and Implications / Lisa Y. Flores, S. Craig Rooney, P. Paul Heppner, LaVonne Douglas Browne and Mei-Fen Wei -- 6. Thirty Years of The Counseling Psychologist: 1969 to 1999 / P. Paul Heppner -- 7. Behold Our Creation! What Counseling Psychology Has Become and Might Yet Become / George S. Howard -- Pt. II.;20082023-07-15T17:14:48Z
Soar Feb. 02014Source:
REAUTHORIZATION OF THE INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACTGovernment Publishing Office U.S. Congress Senate Congressional Committee REAUTHORIZATION OF THE INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT Date(s) Held: 1997-03-14, 1997-03-22, 1997-03-25, 1997-03-26, 1997-03-28, 1997-04-07, 1997-04-21, 1997-05-07, 1997-05-08, 1997-05-28, 1997-06-06 105th Congress, 1st Session GPO Document Source: CHRG-105shrg54718 Witnesses: Albert, Steve, Western Transportation Institute, Montana State University Arnold, Tom, Director, Idaho Department of Commerce Barna Basil, manager, INEEL/Lockheed Infrastructure Transportation Department Batt, Hon. Philip E., Governor, State of Idaho Letter, ISTEA reauthorization, Governor Philip E. Batt Beadry, John, Planning Director, Stillwater County, Montana Bower, Dwight, Director, Idaho Transportation Department Prepared statement...........................................88, Cook, David, Regional Vice President, Swift Trucking Company Doeringsfeld, Dave, director, Port of Lewiston Dye, Marv, Director, Montana Depart;19972017-01-12T20:21:47Z
View Evid Chrst Cls Pretnd Age Reas. 8 Serm, Un Oxf. 1885. BL. ENares. Oxf. UP. 1805Bampton Lectures.1780-2017  For the lectures at Columbia University, see Bampton Lectures (Columbia University). The Very Rev Philip Micklem DD (1876–1965), an Anglican priest who delivered the 1946 Bampton Lectures. The Bampton Lectures at the University of Oxford, England, were founded by a bequest of John Bampton. They have taken place since 1780. They were a series of annual lectures; since the turn of the 20th century they have typically been biennial. They continue to concentrate on Christian theological topics. The lectures are traditionally been published in book form. On a number of occasions, notably at points during the 19th century, they attracted great interest and controversy. (Wikipedia) (submitted, mjm.2019)  17802019-10-10T14:17:56Z



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Čechoslovan: katolický týdenník pro zábavu a poučení09.11.1893periodical/periodicalvolume/periodicalitem/pageuuid:f5998e8c-803b-4b89-8608-b8de963ddfdb
Dennice novověku06.03.1884periodical/periodicalvolume/periodicalitem/pageuuid:f811681c-5770-4f36-bdef-ef34896ac002
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